Public Corporation - The Hyogo Prefectural Center for the Elimination of Boryokudan

 TOP  Preventive Measures Against Boryokudan Applying the article regarding the exclusion of Boryokudan
 In recent years, there are initiatives being implemented in various industries
 such as financial, stock, construction, and real estate sectors and the article
 regarding the exclusion of Boryokudan is being applied as a means to aid this.
 This article is incorporated in contracts and agreements, and based on the  
 proclamation by the government in June 2007, “in order for businesses to  
 prevent damages from antisocial forces -
  In making business transactions with individuals to whom contractual
  freedom applies, the following should be incorporated in the main text
  or provisions of a contract:
   1) We will refuse to accept Boryokudan and other anti-social groups
     to become contractual partner in this business deal.
   2) After the contract is in place, if the partner is determined to be
     Boryokudan or other anti-social groups or make improper
     demands, the contract will be annulled with all obligations and
     the partner can be expelled.
  It is desirable for companies to incorporate this article regarding
  the exclusion of Boryokudan in contracts and trade agreements
  as preparation for risk.

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